CFA-KBl-2024-106- Project Assistant (SNFI/Roving)

First name *

Last name *

Date of Birth *

You’re working email: *

Gendre *

Do you have an Afghanistan NID (electronic Tazkira)? *

If yes, please provide NID# *

Did you rename your CV with your name? *

Which province are you currently residing in? *

Can you travel to different remote districts and provinces of Afghanistan? *

Highest Educational: *

What is your Field of study: *

What is your current position title: What is your current position title: *

What was your previous position title: *

Do you have knowledge and experience in Emergency Response in the region and familiarity with the Geographical context of the region? *

Do you have working experience with humanitarian organization and emergency projects? *

Do you have computer literacy skills, including knowledge, and experience of Microsoft Office tools, and Kobo Toolbox? *

Do you have knowledge and experience in using databases and different assessment forms, and knowledge of spreadsheets and data analysis? *

Do you have in-depth knowledge of the broad range of migration-related subject areas dealt with by the Organization? *

Do you have knowledge of UN and bilateral donor programming? *

Do you have Knowledge of financial rules and regulations? *

Do you have Knowledge of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS)? *

Years of relevant professional experience? *