23529 Chief Operating Officer

1. Do you have a university degree in Management, Business, Finance or a related field? *

2. Do you have 15+ years of experience in operational leadership, including 5+ years in senior management roles? *

2.a. If YES, please briefly describe (2-3 sentences) about the senior management role and impact you made? (if NO, please insert n/a) *

3.Have you worked in staffing sector? *

3.a. If YES for the above question, how many years and which organisations? *

4. Do you have experience managing multi-regional or global operations? *

5. Are you fluent in English? *

6. Do you have experience leading crisis management and security operations in high-risk environments? *

6.a. If your answer is YES, please briefly describe (2-3 sentences). *

7. Have you overseen budgets and financial performance for large-scale operations? *

8. Are you willing to travel to high-risk or remote locations as required? *

9. Do you have experience driving innovation and implementing change initiatives in a global organization? *

10. Have you worked closely with C-suite executives (e.g., CEO, ExCom) to develop and execute organisational strategies? *

10.a. If your answer for the above was YES, please briefly describe (2-3 sentences), impact made. *

11. Do you have experience managing client relationships and ensuring service excellence, especially in complex/ high-risk environments? *

11.a. If your answer for the above question was YES, please briefly describe (2-3 sentences) mentioning context, country/ countries, industries and preferably clients served. *